Friday, October 5, 2012

Black Women White Men...More Options In Love

I think every black woman should be open to dating a white man.  Not only does it create more options but it allows black women to see that all men are more alike than different.  There are good men and bad men white and black so I think once a black woman has experienced relationship lessons with men of both race they will have a better understanding of men in general.  This enlightenment will help black women appreciate who they are as women of color while giving them a better idea of what they are looking for in a man.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

White Men Black Women.....What's the Connection?

I think white men who want their women black like the coffee they drink want to be with a counterpart that is strong, intelligent and culturally connected to all that is beautiful on this planet.  There is a radiance beyond measure that exudes from the soul of a black woman.  It is visible in her walk, how she talks, in her smile and the passion that permeates within her when she loves a man.  A white man who considers himself to be in a place of  comfort in his life welcomes this soulfy, sultry sensibility from a woman graced with the fire of the sun.