Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Black Man, White Man Different Skin Color, Same Parts

Black man, white man, the skin color may be different but the parts are the same.  Whatever the case, I feel the need to say that while I believe my beautiful sistas should keep their options open when it comes to finding love, this queen of the shouldn’t begin her quest for love and happiness with skin tone or racial and ethnic modifiers. 

“According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 1.8 million more black women than black men in 2000, and that number has not improved since then. That means that if every black man in America married a black woman today, many women hoping to marry a black man would not make it down the aisle.”

Those stats are enough to bring attractive, independent and college educated sistas to their knees in frustration and make them reluctant to leave unhealthy, unhappy and unequal relationships with black men that make them feel damaged for reasons such as kinky hair, plump hips a full-sized rear end and a natural dark brown tan most white women pay an expensive price for.  These alarming stats should be a wake up call to black women reluctant to experience love from a man that may be different from her cultural upbringing. 

I believe that all men and women are flawed in some way no matter what your ethnic background or race.  The universal truth of choosing a good mate is character not color.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Black Women White Men...Love Beyond Color!

So women of color will you date outside of your race?

Many white men love the strength and natural loveliness of black women. They may not stand in the city streets proclaiming their aching need to be embraced in the arms of a black women but the urge is there lurking behind their fear of rejection. Those white men who are beyond pleasing the establishment that is uncomfortable with interracial dating and are ready to live a life not defined by color is just what the love doctor ordered for black women who have been plagued with less than satisfying relationships with black men that leave behind a trail anger, physical and verbal abuse and a broken spirit.  

Not all black men are bad and not all white men are good. I do know that more of my sistas need to be open to love coming into their lives based on the language of the heart not by the attitudes if a close minded society. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Black Women White Men...Casual Intimacy

In any and every relationship it is important to share time together.  Those daily connections are key in building a healthy relationship that will help each of you grow as individuals while cultivating a bond that will stand the test of time.  No matter what cultural differences may exist between the two the willingness to accept and learn will always make each day full of wonderful surprises that will keep the relationship a loving one that is full of magical moments.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Black Women White Men...More Options In Love

I think every black woman should be open to dating a white man.  Not only does it create more options but it allows black women to see that all men are more alike than different.  There are good men and bad men white and black so I think once a black woman has experienced relationship lessons with men of both race they will have a better understanding of men in general.  This enlightenment will help black women appreciate who they are as women of color while giving them a better idea of what they are looking for in a man.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

White Men Black Women.....What's the Connection?

I think white men who want their women black like the coffee they drink want to be with a counterpart that is strong, intelligent and culturally connected to all that is beautiful on this planet.  There is a radiance beyond measure that exudes from the soul of a black woman.  It is visible in her walk, how she talks, in her smile and the passion that permeates within her when she loves a man.  A white man who considers himself to be in a place of  comfort in his life welcomes this soulfy, sultry sensibility from a woman graced with the fire of the sun.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Black Women White Men...What Are You Afraid Of?

Are you each afraid of what your family and friends will think?  Is the thought of strangers walking pass giving you a double take when they see you and your boo holding hands too much for you to bare?  Will your own hang ups about stereotypes and race allow your imagination run wild with scenarios of displeasure and chaos?  If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you may not be ready to experience this type of relationship.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Black Women White Men...Understanding the Differences

White men go into a relationship with a black woman knowing that there are definite physical and cultural differences.  From the kinkiness of her hair to the curves of hips to the boldness of her verbal expression to the intensity of her touch.