Sunday, February 2, 2014

Black Women White Men...Love Beyond Color!

So women of color will you date outside of your race?

Many white men love the strength and natural loveliness of black women. They may not stand in the city streets proclaiming their aching need to be embraced in the arms of a black women but the urge is there lurking behind their fear of rejection. Those white men who are beyond pleasing the establishment that is uncomfortable with interracial dating and are ready to live a life not defined by color is just what the love doctor ordered for black women who have been plagued with less than satisfying relationships with black men that leave behind a trail anger, physical and verbal abuse and a broken spirit.  

Not all black men are bad and not all white men are good. I do know that more of my sistas need to be open to love coming into their lives based on the language of the heart not by the attitudes if a close minded society. 

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